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Búsqueda por tema: Analog systems.
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Título/responsablesHigh-speed digital design : a handbook of black magic / Howard W. Johnson, Martín Graham.
Publicación Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, ©1993.
Detalles físicos xi, 447 págs. : ilustraciones ; 25 cm.
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Resumen Focusing on a combination of digital and analog circuit theory, this comprehensive volume will help engineers who work with digital systems, shorten their product development cycles, and fix their latest high-speed design problems. *Covers signal reflection, crosstalk, and noise problems that occur in high-speed digtal machines (above 10 megahertz). *lncludes checklists that ask the questions an experienced designer would about a new system. *Offers useful formulas for inductance, capacitance, resistance, rise time, and Q. *Explains the trade-offs between signal cross talk, mechanical fabrication of tolerances, and trace routing density. *Presents a methodology for determining how many layrs will be required to route a printed circuit board.
ISBN 0133957241; 9780133957242
Nombres Johnson, Howard W.
Graham, Martín.
621.391 J630
Barnes & Noble
Registro 018817  ·  Modificado: 26/08/2022

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