Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Superconductores de TC alto—Congresos. inist 050132
Mostrando 1-11 de 11 resultados, ordenados por
1. Physics and materials science of high temperature superconductors, IV / edited by Ram Kossowsky, Miroslav Jelinek, and Josef Novak. 1997 Libro
N214 1996
2. Proceedings of the 10th anniversary HTS Workshop on Physics, Materials, and Applications : March 12-16, 1996, Doubletree Hotel at Allen Center, Houston, Texas, USA / edited by B. Batlogg ... [et al.]. 1996 Libro
A77 1996  
3. High temperature superconductivity : models and measurements : proceedings of the 1994 GNSM School, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 18-28 October 1994 / edited by M. Acquarone. 1996 Libro
S61 1994
4. Coherence in high temperature superconductors : Tel Aviv, Israel, 1-3 May 1995 / editors, Guy Deutscher, Alex Revcolevschi. 1996 Libro
W892 1995
5. Critical state in superconductors : proceedings of 1994 Topical International Cryogenic Materials Conference : Tokai University Pacific Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 24-26 Oct '94 / editors, Kyoji Tachikawa ... [et al.]. 1995 Libro
T624 1994
6. Strongly correlated electronic materials : the Los Alamos symposium, 1993 / editors, Kevin S. Bedell ... [et al.]. 1994 Libro
S68 S 1993
7. Clusters and fullerenes : proceedings of the Adriatico research conference, Trieste, Italy, June 23-26, 1992 / editors, Vijay Kumar, Thomas Patrick Martin, Erio Tosatti. 1993 Libro
A81 1992
8. Lattice effects in high-tc superconductors : proceedings of the conference : Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 13-15, 1992 / editors, Y. Bar-Yam ... [et al.]. 1992 Libro
C76 1992
9. Dynamics of magnetic fluctuations in high-temperature superconductors / edited by George Reiter, Peter Horsch, and Gregory C. Psaltakis. 1991 Libro
N214 1989 B246
10. High temperature superconductivity : the first two years : proceedings of a conference held 11-13 April 1988, Tuscaloosa, Alabama / editor Robert M. Metzger. 1989 Libro
C76 H 1988
11. Proceedings of the Adriatico Research Conference and Workshop on Towards the Theoretical Understanding of High Tc Superconductors, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 20 June-29 July 1988 / editors, Stig Lundqvist ... [et al.]. 1988 Libro
A83 1988

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