Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Standard model (Nuclear physics)
Mostrando 1-10 de 10 resultados, ordenados por
1. Introduction to elementary particle physics / Alessandro Bettini, University of Padua, Italy. — 2nd ed. 2014 Libro
B466 Ed.2  
2. The standard model : a primer / C.P. Burgess and Guy D. Moore. 2007 Libro
3. An introduction to the standard model of particle physics / W.N. Cottingham and D.A. Greenwood. — 2nd ed. 2007 Libro
C825 Ed. 2
4. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Quantum Effects in the MSSM : Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 9-13 September 1997 / editor Joan Soláa. 1998 Libro
I8 Q 1997
5. The irresistible rise of the standard model : proceedings of the 5th Topical Seminar on The Irresistible Rise of the Standard Model : Centro Studi 'I Cappucini' della Cassa di Risparmo di San Miniato, San Miniato al Todesco, Italy, 21-25 April, 1997 / edited by F.L. Navarria and P.G. Pelfer. 1998 Libro
NUCL. PHYS. B 1998
6. In search of the ultimate building blocks / Gerard 't Hooft. 1997 Libro
H761 I
7. Theory meets experiment : proceedings of the Johns Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory 18, Florence, 1994 (August 31-September 2) / edited by R. Casalbuoni ... [et al.]. 1995 Libro
J622 1994
8. Phenomenology of unification from the present to future : 23-26 March, 1994, Roma / editors G. Diambrini-Palazzi ... [et al.]. 1994 Libro
I8 P 1994
9. Dynamics of the standard model / John F. Donoghue, Eugene Golowich, Barry R. Holstein. 1992 Libro
10. Origin of symmetries / [edited by] Colin D. Froggatt, Holger B. Nielsen. 1991 Libro

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