Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Nuclear power plants—Accidents.
Mostrando 1-7 de 7 resultados, ordenados por
1. Accident analysis for nuclear power plants with modular high temperature gas cooled reactors. 2008 Libro
OIEA S.R.S. 54
2. Development and review of plant specific emergency operating procedures / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2006 Libro
OIEA S.R.S. 48
3. Accident analysis for nuclear power plants with graphite moderated boiling water RBMK reactors / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2005 Libro
OIEA S.R.S. 43
4. Implementation of accident management programmes in nuclear power plants / International Atomic Energy Agency 2004 Libro
OIEA S.R.S. 32
5. Accident analysis for nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2003 Libro
OIEA S.R.S. 30
6. Accident analysis for nuclear power plants / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2002 Libro
OIEA S.R.S. 23
7. Off-gas and air cleaning systems for accident conditions in nuclear power plants. / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1993 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 358

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