Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Geology.
Mostrando 1-9 de 9 resultados, ordenados por
1. Estado y perspectivas de las ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales en la Argentina. 2015 Libro
2. Structural geology / Haakon Fossen. — 1st. published, 4th printing. 2013 Libro
3. Correlation of uranium geology between South America and Africa / prepared by Consultants Group on Correlation of Uranium Geology Between South America and Africa ; draughtsmen, Hernane A. Linhares ... [et al.]. 1986  
OIEA T.R.S. 270
4. The continental crust : its composition and evolution : An examination of the geochemical record preserved in the sedementary rocks / Stuart Ross Taylor [and] Scott M. McLennan. — [1st ed.]. 1985 Libro
5. Nuclear power plant siting : hydrogeologic aspects : a safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1984 Libro
OIEA S.S. 50-SG-S7
6. Site survey for nuclear power plants : a safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1984 Libro
OIEA S.S. 50-SG-S9
7. Site investigations, design, construction, operation, shutdown and surveillance of repositories for low and intermediate level radioactive waste in rock cavities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1984 Libro
OIEA S.S. 62
8. The origin of life by natural causes / [by] M. G. Rutten. 1971 Libro
9. Geología : principios y procesos / William H. Emmons ...[et al.]. — 5a ed. 1965 Libro

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