Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Design and construction.
Mostrando 1-6 de 6 resultados, ordenados por
1. Design of electrical power systems for nuclear power plants / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2016 Libro Texto completo
2. Safety of nuclear power plants : Design / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2016 Libro Texto completo
3. Utilization related design features of research reactors : a compendium. / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2007 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 455
4. Innovative small and medium sized reactors : Design features, safety approaches and R&D trends : Final report of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 7-11 June 2004 / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2006 Libro
5. Construction and commissioning experience of evolutionary water cooled nuclear power plants / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2004 Libro
6. Performance of operating and advanced light water reactor designs : Proceedings of a Technical Committee meeting held in Munich, Germany, 23-25 October 2000 / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2001 Libro

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