Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por autor: Third World Academy of Sciences. 210290
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1. Proceedings of the fourth general conference of the third world academy of sciences : 23-26 November, 1992, State of Kuwait / edited by Mohamed H. A. al. 1992 Libro
2. Profiles of institutions for scientific exchange and training in the South / published by Third World Network of Scientific Organizations in collaboration with the South Centre and the Third World Academy of Sciences. — 3rd ed. 2003 Libro
T348 2003
3. South-South and South-North cooperation in sciences : proceedings of the conference organised by the Third World Academy of Sciences, Trieste, Italy, 5-10 July 1985 / edited by A. Hamende, M. Hassan & K.K. Phua. 1986 Libro
C76 1985
4. Status and problems of science in Latin America and the Caribbean / Editors, M. L. Guardiola, J. L. Villaveces [y] G. Violini ; Academia Colombiana de Ciencias, Centro Internacional de Física, Third World Academy of Sciences. — 1st ed. 1990 Libro

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