Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por autor: McCarthy, Gregory J.
Mostrando 1-5 de 5 resultados, ordenados por
Huettel, Scott A.
1. Functional magnetic resonance imaging / Scott A. Huettel, Allen W. Song, Gregory J. McCarthy. — 3rd ed. 2014 Libro
H871 Ed.3
Rare Earth Research Conference.
2. The rare earths in modern science and technology : [proceedings] / edited by Gregory J. McCarthy and James J. Rhyne. 1978-#### Libro
C76 1977
3. The rare earths in modern science and technology : [proceedings of the 15th Rare Earth Research Conference, held June 15-18, 1981, at the University of Missouri at Rolla] / edited by Gregory J. McCarthy and James J. Rhyne. 1982 Libro
C76 1981
Rare Earth Research Conference (14th : 1979 : North Dakota State University)
4. The rare earths in modern science and technology : [proceedings of the 14th Rare Earth Research Conference, held at North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, June 25-28, 1979] / edited by Gregory J. McCarthy, James J. Rhyne and Herbert B. Silber. 1980 Libro
C76 1979
Rare Earth Research Conference (16th : 1983 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
5. The rare earths in modern science and technology, 1983 : proceedings of the Sixteenth Rare Earth Research Conference, Tallahassee, FL, U.S.A., April 18-21, 1983 / editors, James J. Rhyne, Herbert B. Silber, and Gregory J. McCarthy. 1983 Libro

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