Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por número de registro: 004111

Statistical physics : statics, dynamics and renormalization

Leo P. Kadanoff.

Singapore ; River Edge, N.J. : World Scientific, ©2000.

xiii, 483 págs. : ilustraciones ; 27 cm.

ISBN: 9810248202 (electronic bk.), 9810237588

Al ejemplar uno le flatan las paginas 68-69, 72-73, 76-77, 80-81.

Also available as an electronic book via the World Wide Web to institutions affiliated with netLibrary, Inc.

Resumen: The material presented in this invaluable textbook has been tested in two courses. One of these is a graduate-level survey of statistical physics; the other, a rather personal perspective on critical behavior. Thus, this book defines a progression starting at the book-learning part of graduate education and ending in the midst of topics at the research level. To supplement the research-level side the book includes some research papers. Several of these are classics in the field, including a suite of six works on self-organized criticality and complexity, a pair on diffusion-limited aggregation, some papers on correlations near critical points, a few of the basic sources on the development of the real-space renormalization group, and several papers on magnetic behavior in a plain geometry. In addition, the author has included a few of his own papers.

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Registro 004111 · Modificado: 03/08/2022

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