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Búsqueda por tema: Radiaciones ionizantes.
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Título/responsablesRadiation protection of itinerant workers / International Atomic Energy Agency.
Publicación Vienna : IAEA, 2015.
Detalles físicos 144 págs. : figs. ; 24 cm.
ColecciónSafety reports series ISSN 1020–6450 ; no. 84,
  • STI/PUB/1688.
  • Título tomado de la versión electrónica (consultado: 14.04.16).
  • Incluye referencias bibliográficas.
Resumen This publication addresses the protection and safety issues associated with the use of itinerant workers. Such workers are defined for this report as occupationally exposed workers, who work in supervised and/or controlled areas at one or more locations and are not employees of the management of the facility where they are working. It focuses on the necessary communication and cooperation to establish a clear allocation of responsibilities among the relevant parties, including the itinerant worker, the employer of that worker and the management of the facility at which the work is occurring. Managerial and practical arrangements are described, to ensure the protection and safety of itinerant workers. Discussion topics include dose tracking and control, training, safety culture development and application of the requirements for protection and safety coherently with other requirements.
ISBN 9789201022158
Entidades International Atomic Energy Agency.
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Registro 018304  ·  Modificado: 14/04/2016

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