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Búsqueda por tema: Materiales porosos.
Resultado 2 de 4

Heterogeneous materials I : linear transport and optical properties

Muhammad Sahimi.

New York : Springer, ©2003.

xix, 691 págs. : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.

Serie: Interdisciplinary applied mathematics ; 22

ISBN: 9780387001678

Resumen: This monograph describes and discusses the properties of heterogeneous materials, including conductivity, elastic moduli, and dielectrical constant. The book outlines typical experimental methods, and compares the experimental data and the theoretical predictions. This multidisciplinary book will appeal to applied physicists, materials scientists, chemical and mechanical engineers, chemists, and applied mathematicians.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índices.


  • 1. Linear transport and optical properties
  • 2. Nonlinear and breakdown properties and atomistic modeling.
Registro 020069 · Modificado: 08/02/2022

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