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Búsqueda por tema: Transferencia de calor.
Resultado 13 de 37

Experiments in heat transfer and thermodynamics

edited by Robert A. Granger.

New York : Cambridge University Press, C1994.

xvi, 278 págs. : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.

ISBN: 0521451159 (hardback), 0521449251 (paperback), 9780521449250


Resumen: Engineering curricula are notoriously demanding. One way to make the material easier to grasp and more fun to learn is to emphasize the experimental or "hands-on" aspects of engineering problems. This unique book is about learning through active participation in laboratory experiments, and it specifically aims to dispel some of the mystery so many students associate with the study of thermodynamics and heat transfer. In it, the author presents a collection of experiments in heat transfer and thermodynamics contributed by leading engineering educators. The experiments have been tested, evaluated, and proved successful for classroom use. Each experiment follows the same step-by-step format, which includes the objective of the experiment, apparatus needed, procedure, suggested headings, and references. The experiments use apparatus that is easily built or attainable. Among the topics covered are heat conduction, convection, boiling, mixing, diffusion, radiation, heat pipes and exchangers, and thermodynamics. The book will be especially useful as a companion to standard heat transfer and thermodynamics texts.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Registro 018518 · Modificado: 17/05/2017

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