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Título/responsablesMicrowave photonics / edited by Chi H. Lee.
Edición 2nd ed.
Publicación Boca Raton, Florida : Taylor & Francis Group, ©2013.
Detalles físicos x, 485 págs. : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.
  • Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.
Resumen "In the past decade, we have witnessed world-wide growth of the field of microwave photonics. As microwave photonics deals with interaction between microwaves and optical waves, it leads to new communication systems called fiber-radios which transmit radio frequency signal over optical carriers. Updated to reflect advances in the field, this book provides a systematic introduction by giving a clear overview of many key technologies. In addition a complete revision, the second edition includes new chapters on fiber bragg gratings and applications in microwave photonics and ultrawide band millimeter photonics wireless links"—
ISBN 9781466502864 (hardback)
Nombres Lee, Chi H.
621.39 M583 Ed. 2
621.39 M583 Ed. 2
Registro 018124  ·  Modificado: 16/08/2019

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