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Búsqueda por autor: Bogolubov, Nikolai Nikolaevich.
Resultado 4 de 11

Lectures on quantum statistics : Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogolubov. Translated from the Ukra[i]nian.

English ed. / rev. by N.N. Bogoliubov. Edited by L. Klein and S. Glass.

New York : Gordon and Breach, [1967-70]

2 vols. ; 24 cm.

Vol. 1 is a translation of [Lektsiï z kvantovoï statystyky]

Vol. 2: Translated from the Russian. "The first three parts of this book appeared originally as Dubna preprints and are here translated for the first time. Part four of this volume is an article translated by D. ter Haar which appeared in Soviet physics uspekhi 2, 2 (1959)"—pref.

La biblioteca posee Vol. 2.


  • v. 1. Quantum statistics.
  • v. 2. Quasi-averages.
Registro 004664 · Modificado: 15/03/2023

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