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Búsqueda por tema: Optics.
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Título/responsablesOptical memories / edited by Kentaro Onabe ... [et al.].
Publicación Tokyo, Japan : JJAP, 1999.
Detalles físicos 1597-1849 págs.
ColecciónJapanese Journal of Applied Physics. Part 1 : Regular papers, short notes & review papers, ISSN 0021-4922 ; v. 38, no. 3B
Resumen "... collection of papers presented at International Symposium on Optical Memory 1998 (ISOM´98) which was held in the auditorium of the AIST (Agency of Industrial Science and Technology), Tsukuba Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan, between October 20-22, and its satellite symposium which was held on Oct. 27 and 28 in Taiwan". — foreword
Nombres Onabe, Kentaro
Reunión International Symposium on Optical Memory (8th : 1998 : Tsukuba Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan)
JPN. J. APPL. PHYS. 1999 
Registro 013675  ·  Modificado: 15/02/2007

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