Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por número de registro: 021381

Nuclear and particle physics

Wolfgang Demtroder.

Switzerland : Springer, ©2022.

xiii, 289 págs. : ilustraciones col.

Serie: Undergraduate lecture notes in physics

ISBN: 9783030583118

Resumen: This introduction to nuclear physics and particle physics provides an accessible and clear treatment of the fundamentals. Starting with the structure of nuclei and explaining instability of nuclei, this textbook enables the reader to understand all basics in nuclear physics. The text is written from the experimental physics point of view, giving numerous real-life examples and applications of nuclear forces in modern technology. This highly motivating presentation deepens the reader's knowledge in a very accessible way. The second part of the text gives a concise introduction to elementary particle physics, again together with applications and instrumentation. Nuclear fusion, fission, radionuclides in medicine and particle accelerators are amongst the many examples explained in detail. Numerous problems with solutions are perfect for self-study.

Registro 021381 · Modificado: 21/08/2024

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