Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Sustancias radiactivas.
Mostrando 1-8 de 8 resultados, ordenados por
1. Naturally occurring radioactive material (Norm VII) proceedings of the seventh International Symposium on naturally occurring radioactive material / organized by the China Institute of Atomic Energy and the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Centre, Ministry of Environmental Protection, China in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, hosted by the China Atomic Energy Authority and the National Nuclear Safety Administration, China and held in Beijing, China, 22-26 April 2013. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
2. Schedules of provisions of the IAEA regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material (2012 edition) : specific safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
3. Use of nuclear material accounting and control for nuclear security at facilities implementing guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
4. Risk informed approach for nuclear security measures for nuclear and other radioactive material out of regulatory control implementing guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
5. The Fukushima Daiichi accident / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
6. Advances in Nuclear Forensics: Countering the Evolving Threat of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control : summary of an international conference, Vienna, Austria, 7–10 July 2014. / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro Texto completo
7. Radiological crime scene management : implementing guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2014 Libro
Acceso Web
8. Karlsruher Nuklidkarte / J. Magill, G. Pfenning, R. Dreher, Z. Sóti. — 8 auf. 1974 Libro
S34 Ed. 8  

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