Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Radioisotopos.
Mostrando 1-9 de 9 resultados, ordenados por
1. Radiation safety for consumer products / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2016 Libro Texto completo
2. Radiation and modern life : fulfilling Marie Curie's dream / Alan E. Waltar ; introduction by Helene Langevin-Joliot. 2004 Libro
3. Los isótopos en la vida cotidiana / Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica. 1991 Libro
OIEA Sin Serie 5 e 1984
4. Precautions in the management of patients who have received therapeutic amounts of radionuclides ; recommendations. 1970 Libro
5. Radioisotopes in the pulp and paper industry : Report of a panel ... held in Helsinki. 9-13 October 1967. — [Illustrated]. 1968 Libro
OIEA PANEL 621.039.8 1967
6. Tritium and other environmental isotopes in the hydrological cycle : report of a panel. 1967 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 73
7. Radioisotope instruments in industry and geophysics / [Compiled by J.F. Cameron and T. Florkowski] 1966 Libro
OIEA B.S. 20
8. Safe handling of radioactive materials : recommendations. 1964 Libro
9. Control and removal of radioactive contamination in laboratories / [Prepared by the Subcommittee on Waste Disposal and Decontamination] 1951 Libro

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