Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Nuclear Reactors.
Mostrando 1-20 de 63 resultados, ordenados por
1. Application of field programmable gate arrays in instrumentation and control systems of nuclear power plants / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2016 Libro Texto completo
2. Research reactor benchmarking database facility specification and experimental data / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Recurso electrónico
Acceso Web
3. Utilization related design features of research reactors : a compendium. / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2007 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 455
4. Status of innovative amall and medium reactor designs 2005 : Reactors with conventional refuelling schemes / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2006 Libro
5. Introduction to nuclear engineering / John R. Lamarsh, Anthony J. Baratta. — 3rd ed. 2001 Libro
621.039 Ed.3
6. Eighth International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics : NURETH-8 : New horizons in nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics : September 30-october 4, 1997, Kyoto, Japan / sponsored by Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) ... [et al.] ; co-sponsored by Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) ... [et al.]. 1997 Libro
NUCL. ENG. DES. 2000
7. Ingeniería de reactores nucleares / Samuel Glasstone and Alexander Sesonske. 1994 Libro
G465 eI  
8. Nuclear reactor engineering / Samuel Glasstone and Alexander Sesonske. — 4th ed. 1994 Libro
G465 N  
9. Structural mechanics in reactor technology : transactions of the 12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Stuttgart, Germany, 15-20 August 1993 / editor, Karl F. Kussmaul. 1993 Libro
NUCL. ENG. DES. 1995
10. Potential of small nuclear reactors for future clean and safe energy sources : proceedings of the International Specialists' Meeting on Potential of Small Nuclear Reactors for Future Clean and Safe Energy Sources, SR/TIT, Tokyo, Japan, 23-25 October 1991 / edited by Hiroshi Sekimoto. 1992 Libro
I8 1991
11. Nuclear data guide for reactor neutron metrology / by J.H. Baard, W.L. Zijp, and H.J. Nolthenius. 1989 Libro
12. Introductory nuclear reactor statics / Karl O. Ott, Winfred A. Bezella. — Rev. ed. 1989 Libro
13. Introductory nuclear reactor dynamics / Karl O. Ott, Robert J. Neuhold. 1985 Libro
14. Proceedings of the 2d International Seminar on Structural Reliability of Mechanical Components and Subassemblies of Nuclear Power Plants, Berlin (West) Germany, August 20-21, 1979 / Seminar chairmen, Jack R. Benjamin, Gerhart I. Schueller, F. J. Witt. 1980 Libro
NUCL. ENG. DES. 1980
15. A guidebook to nuclear reactors / Anthony V. Nero, Jr. 1979 Libro
16. Nuclear heat transport / M. M. El-Wakil. 1978 Libro
17. Nuclear energy conversion / M. M. El-Wakil. 1978 Libro
E1 N  
18. Traité de neutronique : physique et calcul des réacteurs nucléaires avec application aux réacteurs à eau pressurisée et aux réacteurs à neutrons rapides / Jean Bussac, Paul Reuss. 1978 Libro
19. Énergie nucléaire et énergie électrique / Paul Boutin ... [et al.]. 1977 Libro
20. Experimental reactor physics / A. Edward Profio. 1976 Libro

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