Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Instalaciones nucleares.
Mostrando 1-20 de 23 resultados, ordenados por
1. Site evaluation for nuclear installations / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2016 Libro Texto completo
2. Governmental, legal and regulatory framework for safety / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2016 Libro Texto completo
3. Safety assessment for facilities and activities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2016 Libro Texto completo
4. Security of nuclear information implementing guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
5. Site survey and site selection for nuclear installations : specific safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
6. Use of nuclear material accounting and control for nuclear security at facilities implementing guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
7. Risk informed approach for nuclear security measures for nuclear and other radioactive material out of regulatory control implementing guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
8. Construction for nuclear installations specific safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
9. Decommissioning of pools in nuclear facilities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2015 Libro
Acceso Web
10. Organization and management for decommissioning of large nuclear facilities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 2000 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 399
11. State of the art technology for decontamination and dismantling of nuclear facilities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1999 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 395
12. Lessons learned from accidents in industrial irradiation facilities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1996 Libro
O14 LE
13. The radiological accident at the irradiation facility in Nesvizh / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1996 Libro
O14 N
14. Safe enclosure of shut down nuclear installations / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1995 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 375
15. Development and implementation of computerized operator support systems in nuclear installations / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1994 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 372
16. Application of remotely operated handling equipment in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1993 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 348
17. Planning for cleanup of large areas contaminated as a result of a nuclear accident / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1991 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 327
18. Bilateral, regional, and multilateral agreements relating to co-operation in the field of nuclear safety / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1990 Libro
L.S. 15
19. Decontamination and demolition of concrete and metal structures during the decommissioning of nuclear facilities / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1988 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 286
20. IAEA safeguards : safeguards techniques and equipment. 1984 Libro

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