Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Fission product release.
Mostrando 1-6 de 6 resultados, ordenados por
1. Evaluation of spent fuel as a final waste form / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1991 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 320
2. Management of severely damaged nuclear fuel and related waste / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1991 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 321
3. Guidebook on non-destructive examination of water reactor fuel / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1991 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 322
4. Radionuclide source terms from severe accidents to nuclear power plants with water reactors / report by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group. 1987 Libro
5. Summary report on the post-accident review meeting on the Chernobyl accident / report by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group. 1986 Libro
6. Thermodynamic and transport properties of uranium dioxide and related phases : report of the Panel on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Uranium Dioxide and Related Phases held in Vienna 16-20 march 1964. 1965 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 39

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