Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Education.
Mostrando 1-20 de 24 resultados, ordenados por
1. Maintaining knowledge, training and infrastructure for research and development in nuclear safety / a report by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group. 2003 Libro
2. Plantilla de personal para centrales nucleares y contratación, capacitación y autorización de su personal de exploración : guía de seguridad / Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica. 1995 Libro
OIEA C.S. 50-SG-O1
3. Codigo sobre la seguridad de los reactores nucleares de investigacion : explotación / International Atomic Energy Agency ; Research Reactor Safety Programme. 1992 Libro
C.S. 35-S2
4. Methodology for the management of ageing of nuclear power plants components important to safety / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1992 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 338
5. Quality assurance integrated training packages : a manual / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1992 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 340
6. Safety culture : a report by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group. / International Atomic Energy Agency ; International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group. 1991 Libro
7. Recommendations for the safe use and regulation of radiation sources in industry, medicine, research and teaching / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1990 Libro
OIEA S.S. 102
8. Maintenance of nuclear power plants : a safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1990 Libro
OIEA S.S. 50-SG-O7 REV.1
9. Quality management for nuclear plant operation : a manual / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1990 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 315
10. On-site habitability in the event of an accident at a nuclear facility : guidance for assessment and improvement / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1989 Libro
OIEA S.S. 98
11. Guidebook on the education and training of technicians for nuclear power / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1989 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 306
12. Appendices to the guidebook on the education and training of technicians for nuclear power : national systems, experience and examples of the education and training of technicians for nuclear power / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1989 Libro
13. Emergency response planning and preparedness for transport accidents involving radioactive material / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1988 Libro
OIEA S.S. 87
14. Manual on quality assurance for computer software related to the safety of nuclear power plants / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1988 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 282
15. Ejercicios en previsión de situaciones de emergencia en instalaciones nucleares : preparación, realización y evaluación / Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica. 1986 Libro
OIEA C.S. 73
16. Manual on training, qualification and certification of quality assurance personnel / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1986 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 262
17. Emergency preparedness exercises for nuclear facilities : preparation, conduct and evaluation / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1985 Libro
OIEA S.S. 73
18. Protección radiológica durante la explotación de centrales nucleares : Guía de seguridad / Oraganismo Internacional de Energía Atómica. 1984 Libro
OIEA C.S. 50-SG-O5
19. Qualifications and training of staff of the regulatory body for nuclear power plants : a safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1979 Libro
OIEA S.S. 50-SG-G1
20. Staffing of nuclear power plants and the recruitment, training and authorization of operating personnel : a safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency. 1979 Libro
OIEA S.S.50-SG-01

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