Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por autor: Tong, L. S. (Long-sun), 1915-
Mostrando 1-5 de 5 resultados, ordenados por
Tong, L. S. (Long-sun), 1915-
1. Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow / L.S. Tong, Y.S. Tang. — 2nd ed. 1997 Libro
T613 Ed. 2
2. Principles of design improvement for light water reactors / L.S. Tong. 1988 Libro
T613 P
3. Thermal analysis of pressurized water reactors / [by] L. S. Tong [and] Joel Weisman ; prepared under direction of the American Nuclear Society for the Division of Technical Information United States Atomic Energy Commission. 1970 Libro
4. Thermal analysis of pressurized water reactors / L. S. Tong [and] Joel Weisman. — 2nd ed. 1979 Libro
T613 Ed. 2  
5. Thermal analysis of pressurized water reactors / L.S. Tong, Joel Weisman. — 3rd ed. 1996 Libro
T613 Ed. 3

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