Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por autor: International Association for Hydrogen Energy.
Mostrando 1-4 de 4 resultados, ordenados por
Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources (6th : 1983 : Miami Beach, Fla.)
1. 6th Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, 12-14 December 1983, Miami Beach, Florida : proceedings of condensed papers / edited by T. Nejat Veziroæglu ; presented by Clean Energy Research Institute, College of Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida ; in cooperation with International Association for Hydrogen Energy ... [et al.]. 1983 Libro
M58 1983
World Hydrogen Energy Conference (9a : 1992 : Paris, France)
2. Hydrogen energy progress IX : proceedings of the 9th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Paris, France, 22 - 25 June 1992 / editors, T. N. Veziroglu, C. Derive, J. Pottier. 1992 Libro
W893 1992  
World Hydrogen Energy Conference (12th : 1998 : Buenos Aires, Argentina)
3. Hydrogen energy progress XII : proceedings of the 12th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21 - 26 June 1998 / editors, J.C. Bolcich, T.N. Veziroglu. 1998 Libro
W893 1998  
World Hydrogen Energy Conference (13th : 2000 : Beijing, China)
4. Hydrogen energy progress XIII : proceedings of the 13th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Beijing, China, June 12-15, 2000 / editors, Z.Q. Mao, T.N. Veziroéglu. 2000 Libro
W893 2000  

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