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Búsqueda por autor: Fawcett, E.
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International Conference on Physics of Transition Metals (1988 : Kiev, U.S.S.R.)
1. Physics of transition metals : proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Transition Metals, Kiev, USSR, 31 May-3 June 1988 / editor, V. G. Bar'yakhtar [and] E. Fawcett. 1989 Libro
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2. Metals : Phonon states, Electron States and Fermi Surfaces : Phonon states of alloys, electron states and fermi surfaces of strined elements = Metalle : Phononenzustände, Elektronenzustände und fermiflächen : Phononenzustände von legierungen, elektronenzüstande und fermiflächen von verformten elementen / E. Fawcett ... [et al.] ; editors, K. H. Hellwege and J. L. Olsen. 1983 Libro

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