Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por autor: American Nuclear Society. Eastern Idaho Section.
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International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (5th : 1992 : Salt Lake City, Utah)
1. Proceedings of the Fifth International Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-5 : towards the next generation of nuclear power reactors, September 21-24, 1992, Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT, USA / sponsored by the Thermal Hydraulics Division and Idaho Section of the American Nuclear Society. 1992 Libro
NUCL. ENG. DES. 1994
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2. Proceedings, ANS topical meeting, Reactor Safety Aspects of Fuel Behavior, August 2-6, 1981, Sun Valley, Idaho. 1981 Libro
T624 1981  

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