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Búsqueda por autor: ANSI.
Sugerencia: hay también obras acerca de ANSI. (1 resultado)
Mostrando 21-30 de 30 resultados, ordenados por
Autores varios
21. American National Standard for decay heat power in light water reactors / [prepared by the] American Nuclear Society. 1985 Libro
S [083.7]621.039.52
ANS 5.1 1985
22. American National Standard for emergency planning for research reactors / [prepared by the] American Nuclear Society. 1978 Libro
ANS 15.16 1978
23. American National Standard for light water reactor fuel assembly mechanical design and avaluation / [prepared by the] American Nuclear Society. 1978 Libro
ANS 57.5
24. American National Standard for nuclear criticality control and safety of homogeneous plutonium-uranium fuel mixtures outside reactors / [prepared by the] American Nuclear Society. 1978 Libro
ANS 8.12 1978
25. American National Standard for nuclear criticality safety in operations with fisionable materials outside reactors / [prepared by the] American Nuclear Society. 1975 Libro
ANS 8.1 1975  
26. American National Standard for safety in conducting subcritical neutron-multiplication measurements in situ / [prepared by the] American Nuclear Society. 1975 Libro
ANS 8.6 1975
27. American National Standard for selection and training of nuclear power plant personnel / [prepared by the] American Nuclear Society. 1978 Libro
ANS 3.1 1978
28. American National Standard for the determination of the neutron reaction rate distribution and reactivity of nuclear reactors / prepared by the American Nuclear Society Standars Committee Working Group ANS-19.3. 1975 Libro
ANS 19.3 1975  
29. American National Standard for validation of calculational methods for nuclear criticality safety / prepared by the American Nuclear Society Standards Committee Working Group ANS-8.11. 1976 Libro
S 083.7
A35 ANS 8.11
30. Concrete radiation shields / American Nuclear Society ; [approved by] American National Standards Institute. 1973 Libro
S 083.7
A35 ANS 11

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