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Búsqueda por número de registro: 020459

Diccionario Cuyás inglés-español, español-inglés : Cuyás dictionary english-spanish, spanish-english

edited by Roger J. Steiner.

3ra ed.

New York, NY : Macmillan, ©1999.

xxx, 664 págs. ; 18 cm.

ISBN: 0028626273


Resumen: The Appleton-Cuyas Dictionary has been recognized for excellence for over 90 years. The abridged version of the dictionary, first made available in 1964, provided the only portable edition of this famous work. That version has now been thoroughly revised and updated, adding more than 5,000 new entries and updating more than 6,000 existing entries.Redesigned for maximum readability, the second edition of the Appleton-Cuyas Dictionary is unequaled in clarity and precision. It includes numerous idiomatic expressions, technical terms, and a wealth of synonyms. Students will appreciate the English and Spanish grammars and the table of irregular verbs. The revised edition also includes an appendix of proper names, lists of abbreviations, tables of weights and measures, lists of cardinal, ordinal and fractional numbers, lists of geographical names, and much more, making it the ideal companion for travelers.

Registro 020459 · Modificado: 29/05/2024

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