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Búsqueda por tema: Centrales nucleares.
Resultado 4 de 79
Título/responsablesSite survey and site selection for nuclear installations : specific safety guide / International Atomic Energy Agency.
Publicación Vienna : IAEA, 2015.
Detalles físicos 61 págs. : ilustraciones, tablas ; 24 cm.
ColecciónIAEA Safety Standards Series, ISSN no. SSG-35 ; 1020–525X
  • STI/PUB/1690.
  • Título tomado de la versión electrónica (consultado: 18.08.15).
  • Includes bibliographical references.
Resumen This publication was prepared under the IAEA's programme for safety standards and complements other safety guides that deal with all safety considerations in site evaluation regarding the effects of external events and population distribution. It supplements and provides recommendations on meeting the requirements for nuclear installations established in the safety requirements publication on Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations (IAEA Safety Standards Series No. NS-R-3) in terms of the safety aspects to be considered during the stages of the selection process of a site for a nuclear installation.
ISBN 9789201024152
Entidades International Atomic Energy Agency.
Títulos alt.IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
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Registro 018077  ·  Modificado: 12/11/2015

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