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Búsqueda por tema: Centrales nucleares.
Resultado 2 de 79
Título/responsablesSite evaluation for nuclear installations / International Atomic Energy Agency.
Publicación Vienna : IAEA, 2016.
Detalles físicos 27 págs. : figs.
ColecciónIAEA safety standards series ISSN 1020–525X ; NS-R-3 (Rev. 1),
  • STI/PUB/1709.
  • Título tomado de la versión electrónica (consultado: 20.04.16).
  • Incluye referencias bibliográficas.
Resumen This publication establishes requirements and provides criteria for ensuring safety in site evaluation for nuclear installations. The Safety Guides on site evaluation listed in the references section provide recommendations on how to meet the requirements established in this publication. A review of Safety Requirements publications was commenced in 2011 following the accident in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. The review revealed no significant areas of weakness and resulted in just a small set of amendments to strengthen the requirements and facilitate their implementation, which are contained in the present publication.
ISBN 9789201065155
Entidades International Atomic Energy Agency.
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Registro 018314  ·  Modificado: 20/04/2016

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