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Búsqueda por tema: Spintronics.
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Magnetism : from fundamentals to nanoscale dynamics

J. Stöhr, H.C. Siegmann.

Berlin ; New York : Springer, ©2006.

xvii, 820 págs. : ilustraciones ; 25 cm.

Serie: Springer series in solid-state sciences, 0171-1873 ; 152

ISBN: 9783662499740, 3540302824

Resumen: This text book gives a comprehensive account of magnetism, one of the oldest yet most vibrant fields of physics. It spans the historical development, the physical foundations and the continuing research underlying the subject. The book covers both the classical and quantum mechanical aspects of magnetism and novel experimental techniques. Perhaps uniquely, it discusses spin transport and magnetization dynamics phenomena associated with atomically and spin engineered nano-structures against the backdrop of spintronics and magnetic storage and memory applications. The book is for students, and serves as a reference for scientists in academia and research laboratories.

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