Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por número de registro: 018585

Measurement errors and uncertainties : theory and practice

Semyon G. Rabinovich.

3rd ed.

New York : AIP Press : Springer, ©2005.

xii, 308 págs. : ilustraciones ; 25 cm.

ISBN: 9780387253589


Resumen: A practical reference on theory and methods of estimating measurement errors and uncertainty for both scientists and engineers in industry and experimental research. Building on the fundamentals of measurement theory, this book offers a wealth of practial recommendations and procedures. It differs from the majority of books in that it balances coverage of probabilistic methods with detailed information on the characterization, calibration, standardization and limitations of measuring instruments, with specific examples from both electrical and mechanical systems. In addition to a general updating to reflect current research, new material in this edition includes increased coverage of indirect measurements, with a new, simpler, more efficient method for this class of measurements.

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Registro 018585 · Modificado: 13/09/2022

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