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Búsqueda por número de registro: 018448
Título/responsablesHandbook of particle detection and imaging / Claus Grupen, Irène Buvat (eds.).
Publicación Berlin ; New York : Springer, ©2012.
Detalles físicos 2 vols. (xxi, 1227 págs.) : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.
ColecciónSpringer reference
  • Includes index.
Resumen The handbook centers on detection techniques in the field of particle physics, medical imaging and related subjects. It is structured into three parts. The first one is dealing with basic ideas of particle detectors, followed by applications of these devices in high energy physics and other fields. In the last part the large field of medical imaging using similar detection techniques is described. The different chapters of the book are written by world experts in their field. Clear instructions on the detection techniques and principles in terms of relevant operation parameters for scientists and graduate students are given.Detailed tables and diagrams will make this a very useful handbook for the application of these techniques in many different fields like physics, medicine, biology and other areas of natural science.
ISBN 9783642132704; 3642132707
Nombres Grupen, Claus.
Buvat, Irène.
Vol. 1
539.12 G927 V.1
Vol. 2
539.12 G927 V. 2
Indice Vol.1
Indice Vol.2
Registro 018448  ·  Modificado: 22/02/2018

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